Welcome to my website! I am an Honours Co-op Computer Science major at the University of Guelph and this is a collection of projects and information about me and my journey in the technology industry. This site is meant to complement my resume and provide more information and examples of my skills to potential employers.

About Me

I've always been interested in technology and I've always wanted to work with computers. Throughout my entire schooling career, I have been a go-to person for technology issues and an overall trustworthy and responsible individual. In highschool alone, I ammassed over 400 logged community service hours by participating in multiple school clubs such as AV and Tech Theatre, while also maintaining an average of mid to high 90s. In university, I've been continuing the trend through interdisciplinary projects, the Guelph Coding Community (GCC), and the Society of Computer Science (SOCIS), in addition to mainintaining a GPA in the low 90s.

When I was in grade nine, I decided I wanted to become a software developer, and immediately started to teach myself to code. In the four years I was in highschool, I taught myself three programming languages as well as the HTML and CSS I am using to build this website. In my final year of highschool, I competed in the Java section of the Canadian Computing Competition and finished in the top 25% of all contestants, giving me a Certificate of Distinction from the Center for Mathematics and Computing at the University of Waterloo. The strong foundations in computer science I was able to develop in highschool have allowed me to excel in university courses and projects.

Now in my third year of university, I am working to expand my knowledge in fields such as datascience, deep learning, cybersecurity, and web development. My first co-op placement for the University of Guelph's LINCS project was extremely successful, first resulting in an extension from 4 months to 8 months in length, and now being extended into the school year via part time work. During this period, I have learned alot about what it's like to work in the industry, along with kubernetes deployment methods, best practices for team based development, and many new libraries & frameworks. For my next co-op placement, in Summer 2022, I hope to continue to gain experience and diversify my resume further with new projects and tech stacks. I am looking forward to continuing my schooling this semester in courses such as Digital Systems, Systems Analysis and Design in Applications, and Software for Legacy Systems.

Language Year Initiated Projects

Coming Soon!